Eyes in the Skies
Jun 17, 2024 09:43AM ● By Donia Moore
Bill Montgomery is the cousin of Katherine Johnson, one of the human “computers” in the (Hollywood) movie Hidden Figures.
by Donia Moore with CSI Bill Montgomery

NASA is Accepting applications for 2024 Artemis Scholarship
Ever wondered how to get one of the highest in-demand scholarships in America? The Artemis Foundation of NASA is accepting applications for the Artemis Scholarship for 2024.
Ever wondered how to get one of the highest in-demand scholarships in America? The Artemis Foundation of NASA is accepting applications for the Artemis Scholarship for 2024.
Each year a scholar is selected via a panel committee, and a scholarship of up to $7,000 is awarded. The scholarship is renewable annually if the scholar attains at least an A- average during his/her studies.

It’s as easy as going to the NASA.gov website on your computer. In a world where scholarship money is often hard to apply for, let alone secure, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is looking for students to give scholarship money to help continue their efforts in discovering more about Space, with the ultimate goal of making a career path in NASA. Grade Point Average: (GPA) plays a part in the NASA scholarship and Grant programs, a sound 3.0 (“B”) GPA on a 4.0 scale will open up doors for you within NASA, but It’s not the only consideration.
Eligibility requirements also include U.S. Citizenship or within a country with a current
NASA Agreement. A degree or certificate-seeking student who is currently enrolled or accepted for enrollment in NASA Scholarship programs to impact the agency’s mission through a hands-on internship.
The Pathways program offers current students and recent graduates paid internships that are direct pipelines to full-time employment at NASA upon graduation. The majority of Interns receive a paid stipend award which is based on academic level and session duration Hidden Pioneers.
How and Why Did We Get Here?
Once a young man named William Montgomery had a dream to help students. A member of the prestigious 82nd Airborne Paratroopers Division, a semi-professional soccer player, Chess Mentor and lifestyle driving consultant for Mazda North America, CSI Bill is a man used to setting goals and reaching them.
His dedication to his dream of reaching out-of-school, out-of-work students is strong.
Born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, he migrated to California. He took a job with Mazda and became a Lifestyle Consultant for Mazda North America where he was able to help.many young race car drivers get their start. Eventually he found that he enjoyed teaching and working with young people so much that he became a high school teacher himself to help the students he so valued Known as “CSI” Bill, a nickname he was given by his students, he believes that “Our economy, national security, and social cohesion, face a precarious future if our nation fails to develop now the comprehensive policies and programs needed to help all youth.” Unless we are motivated at least in part by our belief in young people, and our sense of obligation to them, we risk losing more than we can ever hope to win.”
CSI Bill has worked hard to explain to people how necessary it is to include the younger students in the planning of their own futures. He believes that by spending hours preparing programs that he and his team hope will help them understand the importance of staying in school, and reintroducing more technical and hands on learning environments that it will save those students who were tending to fall “overboard” without a career life jacket.

William Montgomery is the cousin of Katheren Johnson, one of the human “computers” in the (Hollywood) movie Hidden Figures. It was due to her excellent work that NASA was able to send up and bring back safely the first and subsequent astronauts. She was one of the first African-Americans who joined NASA, where she remained for over 30 years.
Today, he (CSI – or Common Sense Intelligence Bill, as the students have dubbed him) is the founder and Team Director of Hidden Pioneers – a talented and exceptional group of professionals whose love of country and love of space exploration have melded and are currently fueling the series of launches that the US is proceeding with under the current President’s space program called Artemis.Artemis - NASA.
“CSI Bill”was recently awarded the President’s Gold Lifetime Achievement Award in
Transportation and Technology for the thousands of volunteer hours he and his team have dedicated to helping students stay in school and become contributing members of society.
He and his team of Hidden Pioneers host students at their schools, encouraging them to learn

more about their school’s STEAM programs in a unique and entertaining way. A number of their members own some very unique vehicles that they bring to their school tours for the students to get up close and personal with. They have used DeLoreans, Mustangs, and rocket cars as “bait” to bring the kids in, and then have held presentations that the kids cannot resist to catch their attention. Their emphasis is on transportation and technology, and the Pioneers strive to bring back interest in the schools’ more hands-on programs, like Auto Lab (previously auto shop) and Driver’s Education, most classes of which are no longer being taught in the public schools. One of the differences is introducing the terminology to fit the new and more professional outreach that students are adopting Hidden Pioneers constantly remind students and their families that Auto Shop is no longer about only cars, but also about many other forms of transportation that people will need to know how to maintain and repair. Units like Drones and flying cars and self- driving vehicles are integrating themselves into our transportation and technology. The career paths that they will open will be unlike any others the field has seen and the jobs that will be generated will need to be filled by skilled workers in that field.
Coming into the schools to share the skills needed in today’s technology industry under the umbrella of their 501(C)(3) non-profit status, is Prime Motivation. Prime Motivation – Creating Educational Experiences.
Their Transportation Technology Experience (T & T Lab class) is an innovative platform that promotes a positive message to youths to stay in school and continue their education. The interactive workshops and demonstrations showcase the latest technology to help provide valuable insight about career-tech education and the skills needed in today’s transportation technology industry. CSI Bill has even completed a much needed and now sought-after curriculum based on how students are utilizing their cell phones as “pocket computers” rather than the phones they were originally meant to be. The course reviews many of the basic aspects of cell phones, including how to change your own cell phone battery to help reduce the lithium ions released into the environment.
The continued benefits of this approach are enormous. Higher basic skills are developed. A stronger labor force attachment and increased access to employment opportunities are just the beginning.
This program is generally funded by sponsors who have more on-campus engagement with youths, market research, lead generation and turn-key opportunities.
The program was established in 2004. Its main purpose is to motivate students to further their education and stay in school while they seek career-tech education as a possible college alternative career path towards self-sufficiency.
As CSI Bill would say, education is not preparation for
life. It is life itself. CSI Bill’s mission is to introduce Transportation & Technology Lab classes into our High Schools in the United States of America.
life. It is life itself. CSI Bill’s mission is to introduce Transportation & Technology Lab classes into our High Schools in the United States of America.