Three Local Businesses Supporting Local Charities

It's never been more important to come together as a community to connect and fight against the current climate the country — and the world — is facing. Even though we're living in a time ruled by conflict and uncertainty, many individuals willingly participate in local events and play an active role in their respective communities. Many are willingly taking time off in their day and allotting it instead to the underserved.
In San Clemente, community events, game nights, sports activities, and other types of gatherings are a way of connecting with others, cultivating relationships, and helping causes close to people's hearts. If you're looking to be a part of something greater than yourself, you may want to consider participating in charity events in the area. So, here are three local businesses that are at the forefront of giving back:
Goody’s Tavern
Goody’s Tavern hosts Monday Night Bingo games from 7-9pm in support of a specific charity. Every month, the establishment aims to raise money for different local charities like the San Clemente - Dana Point Animal Shelter, the San Clemente Skatepark Coalition, with the last games being held in February supporting the Sandy Feet Initiative. The beneficiary varies every month, but the rules for participating are the same.
Joining Goody’s Tavern for their Monday Night Bingo games is a great way to show your support for a variety of different causes. After all, everyone’s played some bingo at some point, and even if you haven’t, the game is incredibly easy to pick up. The guide to 75-ball bingo by Foxy Bingo, explains that it is by far and away the most popular variant in the US, and all it involves is completing given patterns on your bingo card. Goody’s Monday Night Bingo cards are only $1 each, and 100% of the proceeds collected go to the charity the bar is supporting that month. They also hold Charity Raffles on the last Monday of the month, with many of the raffle prizes being donated by local businesses.
Comics Unzipped
Comics Unzipped
An annual tradition six years in the running, Comics Unzipped is holding another fundraiser in San Clemente. The event is being held in honor of the local Alzheimer's Association chapter and is scheduled to be held on June 26th at the Casino of San Clemente near the beach.
A scrumptious wine and cheese reception awaits all attendees, along with a seat in the theater to witness a performance by one of the top comedians in the country. Those who buy a VIP ticket at approximately $95 will receive more perks, first being a complimentary bottle of wine and cheese platter. They will also be seated at the VIP table located in the best area in the venue. And in the event that you want to contribute to the cause but cannot grace them with your presence, you're always free to make a donation to the cause.
Bella Collina Women’s Golf Association
Every year, the Bella Collina Women’s Golf Association hosts a charity golf tournament. There are men’s, women’s, and co-ed divisions involved and the cost to join is $90 per person. The fee already includes a round of golf, a cart, range balls, breakfast, lunch, prizes, hole contest, gratuities, and a generous $40 tax-deductible donation.
The tournament is a whole-day event kicking off at 7am for registration and breakfast, with the shotgun start being 8:30am. There is also a raffle, costing $20 for 10 tickets. To make things more fun, they also host different contests. As for the awards, winners receive the following: Charity-watch Top Rated, Charity Navigator 4-star charity, and Platinum Seal of Transparency. All these, of course, are for the benefit of the Semper Fi Fund, a nonprofit organization that provides a variety of programs to aid wounded veterans in the United States Armed Forces.