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San Clemente Journal

HUMAN BEING by Frances Klocke Fullwood

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HUMAN BEING by Frances Klocke Fullwood


I know a man,

He had a dream

Of a race . . .

 called Human Being.


I know a man,

He had a dream . . .

A vision of the future,

Not for one, two, or three

But for all who live and breathe and see.


I know a man,

He had a dream

Of a race . . .

    called Human Being.


Undefined by ancient labels,

Chains cannot bind these minds

Nor shackle them to the past,

We the now ‒

We the future ‒

We – Human Being.


Neither black nor white

Nor any other color

That can be defined,

Walking free and tall . . .

    Human Being.


With eyes sometimes blue and sometimes brown,

(What is the color of truth?)

Looking up to a clear sky,

Uncluttered by hate . . .

This race called Human Being.


I know a man,

He had a dream,

A dream of you – me – we . . .

    Human Being.


Frances Klocke Fullwood