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San Clemente Journal

Miami by Valka Nedeva

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Miami by Valka Nedeva  


Miami  - is your  Paradise  corner of the world,

Miami  - you are written out of  God hand,

Miami  - with you the sun has stopped,

and the mirror is in the mirror,

in your ocean and beyond.


Miami  - is your Paradise corner of the world,

Miami  - you  are written  out of  God`s  hand,

Miami  - in you ocean and the sky has merged,

touch and kiss constantly  in the horizon,

woven in endless  green  blue veil.


Miami  - is your Paradise corner of the world,

Miami  - you are written out of God`s  hand,

Miami  - all that is  created in you is crystal clear,

like  the baby soul in fairy tale one.


Miami  - is your Paradise corner of the world,

Miami  - you are written out of  God`s  hand,

Miami  - enchant  with the breath  of the ocean breeze,

And  the  palms green  with the dance on the leaves,

in the morning they bow ,  as  if  greeting,

and  the   seem  to  invite  us again

to  visit  Miami  is my  pride


Miami  - is your  Paradise corner of the world,

Miami  - you are written  out of  God`s  hand,

Miami  - thanks for  meeting  and relaxing with you by the ocean,

which was a dream in my soul unfulfilled,

and  now the  dream has become a  reality.