Business Writer, Bill Koelzer – Writing Is His Life
Feb 01, 2008 05:10PM ● By Don Kindred
Bill Koelzer, Business Writer for the San Clemente Journal, has a writing background spanning 40 years.
Today, he applies that experience offering his area clients an economical way to get their products heavily exposed in targeted national trade and consumer magazines. He accomplishes this through his Koelzer Consulting publicity and Internet business at a fraction of what that exposure would cost if purchased as an ad.
“Having been an editor five times, I’ve learned the secret of how to talk long distance to national trade and consumer magazine editors to get them to publish case history articles about my clients’ products or services,” Bill explains. I’ve had a lifetime 95% success rate getting the articles I pitch to editors published.”
These articles have impact, Bill continues, simply because articles are seven times better read and remembered than ads. “Case history articles work best,” he says. “These take a classic problem-solution-result format, highlighting how a customer used my client’s product to save time, money, materials, or labor. I contact the executives-the higher in the company the better - who purchased my client’s product, then quote them, citing how well the product performed.”
Bill reveals that they freely give this info because it makes them appear wise, and gets their firm into major magazines, too. These publications range from Business Week and Wall Street Journal, to Popular Science, Family Handyman, School Product News, Electronics, Farm Journal, Town & Country, Seventeen, or virtually any leading trade or consumer magazine that fits the industry in which the product was used.
“My clients love these big articles, Bill remarks, “because the brand-name user-firms are essentially endorsing my client’s product, and in a way, so is the magazine that ran the story. After the article appears, we often reprint it into a “case history report” for mailing or handing out at trade shows. What’s more, since most magazines are now on the Web, my clients can send prospective customers to the article with one click. Everyone wins--the quoted executives, the user-company, and my client. But you must know how to talk to editors to get them to run the articles in this valuable space in the first place, since some articles may run up to four pages.”
Bill points out that while a full page in many major high-circulation national trade and consumer magazines may run from $20,000 to more than $50,000, his clients can occupy that space with a powerful case history article for only a fraction of that cost.
Bill Koelzer’s writing career began in school as editor of The Barnacle, Orange Coast College’s official student newspaper, and as editor of Sparta Life, the official student magazine of San Jose State University.
Right out of college in 1968, he landed a job in his former home state of Michigan as editor of the 200,000-paid-subscriber magazine, Michigan Out-of-Doors, and later as editor of Michigan North, and as Associate editor of the Otsego County Herald Times.
Returning to California in 1969, he founded and ran the PR/Sales Promotion division of Cochrane Chase & Co., the county’s largest ad agency, serving as Vice President for eight years. He then started his own promotional firm, first in Eureka/Arcata, CA, where he wrote a novel on Bigfoot, then back in Orange County until now.
He has designed and managed annual public relations programs for clients including AMF Voit, Inc. sporting goods, Technicolor, Inc, Carl’s Jr. Restaurants Armor-All, Mission Viejo Company, Weldwood Glue, Great Earth Vitamin Stores, Monier-Lifetile Roofing, James Hardie Building Products, Dos Equis Beer and dozens of other large consumer and industrial clients.
He is most recently co-author (with San Clemente resident Barbara Cox, Ph.D.) in the early 2000s, of five Internet marketing books (see: for Prentice Hall, the world’s largest university text book publisher. He is also author of Scuba Diving: How to Get Started (Chilton Book Co., 1976) and Senior Editor, Marketing Problem Solver, (Chilton Book Co., 1974)
Koelzer writes nationally published marketing columns for three major Internet firms, and locally, is President of the Heritage Foundation of San Clemente/Marine Monument. (www. where his wife, Debbie Ferrari, is Vice President, and Wayne Eggleston, Mayor-Emeritus, is Executive Director.
Bill is also a Webmaster and manages his wife’s leading Orange County Realty web site at (
He says, “I just love having clients thrilled with my results. There’s nothing like that big, almost-embarrassed smile they get when they open a magazine and see their story in all its glory there.” b
Bill can be reached at
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