San Clemente's SeniorNet - Cyber Cafe'
Aug 01, 2002 08:31AM ● By Don Kindred-Bill Thomas
San Clemente’s SeniorNet Cyber Café designs computer courses around the needs of our community’s senior citizens; as they indicate their computer learning interests, classes are formed to fulfill them.
The first offering was “Computers for Scaredycats,” which started in July, followed by August’s, “Introduction to Computers.” From September to December, courses will be held once or twice a week, running from four to eight-two-hour sessions, each with an instructor and two coaches to maximize learning opportunities. The following computer menu items are planned to begin in September:
Main Courses
Computers for Scaredycats, Introduction to Computers, Introduction to Windows, Quicken, E-mail and the Internet
Soups and Salads
Word-processing, Web Site Design, Scanning, Graphics
Genealogy, Spreadsheeting, Financial Planning
Ala Carte
Digital Photo Computing and Special Orders
San Clemente’s Cyber Café is the newest member of San Francisco-based SeniorNet, an international non-profit organization teaching adults over-50 the ways of the computer and the Internet. It enhances their lives with new knowledge for the technological world, developing new skills and unearthing new talents. Course materials are user-friendly.
The organization has over 39,000 members, publishes a quarterly newsletter, and SeniorNet members are eligible for any of the 220 learning centers throughout the country.
The SeniorNet website provides additional online courses, discounts on computer software and equipment, and access to websites exclusively devoted to senior learning, travel, lodging and other benefits.
Twenty-five local, volunteer computer instructors and coaches have been mobilized from the community, serving as the Cyber Café faculty. Connie Phillipsen is the Café’s Administrative Coordinator and Sylvia Connelly the Curriculum Coordinator. Dennis Evans, the Network Administrator, and his crew set up the eight brand new IBM computers, two printers and scanner, which are also available to cyber students on an individual, “lab use” basis. The project director is Bill Thomas, representing the sponsoring organization, Friends of San Clemente Beaches, Parks and Recreation Foundation.
Interested seniors are encouraged to enroll in future courses as soon as possible, indicating specific topic interests. Once a class has sufficient students, enrollees will be informed of alternative times and dates. There are membership fees for SeniorNet and the Cyber Café, as well as course tuition. Scholarships are also available for those on tight budgets. All SeniorNet Cyber Café classes are held at 2021 Calle Frontera, San Clemente. Call 361-8264 for further information.